Wednesday 7 January 2015

# Day 73 My rose has leaves!

I don't know whether nice people tend to grow roses or growing roses makes people nice.
~Roland A. Browne

P.S: One of my 2015 new year resolutions is to learn gardening (learning photography was my 2013-2014 resolution; this year I felt that I am at a stage where I could add another item to my list). I did my research and started with rose and succulents, as safe bets. The rose twig (cutting?) has leaves, and I am so excited! It is like when your baby learns to roll over! 

P.P.S: About the quote, not that I am saying I am nice (now that my rose seems to be growing), but, I do believe that people who have a nice garden (and those who love animals) are usually kind. 

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