Tuesday, 28 April 2015

# Day 141 The Chair

I’m writing to you, who made the archaic wooden chair
look like a throne while you sat on it.
Amidst your absence, I choose to sit on the floor,
which is dusty as a dry Kansas day.
I am stoic as a statue of Buddha,
not wanting to bother the old wooden chair,
which has been silent now for months.
In this sunlit moment I think of you.
I can still picture you sitting there--
your forehead wrinkled like an un-ironed shirt,
the light splashed on your face,
like holy water from St. Joseph’s.
The chair, with rounded curves
like that of a full-figured woman,
seems as mellow as a monk in prayer.
The breeze blows from beyond the curtains,
as if your spirit has come back to rest.
Now a cloud passes overhead,
and I hush, waiting to hear what rests
so heavily on the chair’s lumbering mind.
Do not interrupt, even if the wind offers to carry
your raspy voice like a wispy cloud.”

~ Jarod Kintz, A Letter to Andre Breton, 
Originally Composed on a Leaf of Lettuce With an Ink-dipped Carrot

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

# Day 136 Wildflowers

"May your life be like a wildflower growing freely in the beauty and joy of each day." 
~ Native American Proverb

Monday, 20 April 2015

# Day 134 Hard to photograph tulips!

"But I have always thought that these tulips must have had names. They were red, and orange and red, and red and orange and yellow, like the ember in a nursery fire of a winter's evening. I remember them."
~Neil Gaiman

P.S: These Tulips were so hard to photograph; whichever angle I tried, I felt I couldn't capture the essence of it. They looked so out-of-the-world beautiful (and real) in the garden and so plastic in my photos. I will try again. 

Sunday, 19 April 2015

# Day 133 Coffee Love!

Coffee is a magical potion that helps non-morning people cope, reconnects friends and family, and starts new friendships.

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

# Day 129 Sweet Magnolia!

Majestic flower! How purely beautiful
Thou art, as rising from thy bower of green,
Those dark and glossy leaves so thick and full,
Thou standest like a high-born forest queen
Among thy maidens clustering round so fair,—
I love to watch thy sculptured form unfolding,
And look into thy depths, to image there
A fairy cavern, and while thus beholding,
And while thy breeze floats o’er thee, matchless flower,
I breathe the perfume, delicate and strong,
That comes like incense from thy petal-bower;
My fancy roams those southern woods along,
Beneath that glorious tree, where deep among
The unsunned leaves thy large white flower-cups hung!

~ C. P. Cranch—Poem to the Magnolia Grandiflora.

Friday, 10 April 2015

# Day 127 Cherry Blossoms!

In Japanese culture, the sakura (桜) or cherry blossom is a beloved symbol of hope.

Wednesday, 8 April 2015

# Day 125 My bumble bee!

Kunal is learning about pollination, so this Spring he has been busy checking the flowers for pollen. He follows his curiosity with such diligence and resolve, I only hope it stays with him. 

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

# Day 124 Happiness is riding a bike under the cherry blossoms!

 It is April, and all around in Cambridge the Cherry tress have blossomed and riding the bike around town during Easter break is just about as good as life gets!

Monday, 6 April 2015

# Day 123 Hatched Egg!

Purposes, like eggs, unless they be hatched into action, will run into rottenness.
~ Samuel Smiles

Friday, 3 April 2015

# Day 121 I believe in pink...

“...I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles.” 

― Audrey Hepburn

# Day 120 "Where flowers bloom so does hope." - Lady Bird Johnson

# Day 119 Magenta or Fushia - etymological explanations for the colour!

"Magenta is the name of a town in northwestern Italy. In 1859, during the Second Italian War of Independence, French and Italian forces defeated the Austrians at Magenta. It was a particularly gory clash—so bloody that more than seven thousand men died were buried in one mass grave. Shortly afterward, a new type of purplish-pink dye, made from coal tar, was discovered. The color, originally called fuchsine (or fuchsia) after the dye used to create it, was soon renamed magenta. While some suspected it was called magenta after the red-colored uniforms worn by the French troops, according to Philip Ball, Bright Earth, Art and the Invention of Colour it was renamed to celebrate the victory of the French army at the Battle of Magenta on June 4, 1859, near the Italian city of that name."

# Day 118 Yellow!

“Yellow is a very favorable vibration for mental or intellectual activity, as it promotes a clear state of mind. Yellow heightens your awareness and alleviates depression, sadness, or any kind of despondency.” ― Tae Yun Kim, The First Element: Secrets to Maximizing Your Energy

# Day 117 “My garden is my most beautiful masterpiece” ― Claude Monet

# Day 116 Echeveria

I am posting a series of photos from our garden!